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From Our Readers

This gallery features contributions from our readers near and far.

Cafe Terrace Place du Forum, Arles, 1888 by Van…

Cafe Terrace Place du Forum, Arles, 1888 by Van Gogh, 22" x 28 ", #3- to… More

(1 Votes)

Public Gardens, Halifax N.S.                                                                 

Public Gardens, Halifax N.S., 27 " x 27 ", #3-cut hand-dyed wool on rug… More

(1 Votes)

1934 Sterling Log Hauling Truck                                                                       

1934 Sterling Log Hauling Truck, Adapted from a photo from TJ's Woodshop… More

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Vera, Victorian Steampunk Police Woman                                                                                     

Vera, Victorian Steampunk Police Woman, 21" x 27", #3- to 6-cut wool on… More

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Transformation by Janine Broscious featured in Celebration 2017 More

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My Abbeville                                 

My Abbeville, 35" x 54", #4- to 7-cut hand-dyed and as-is wool on linen.… More

(1 Votes)

Look Nama!                             

Look Nama!, Designed and hooked by Valerie Begeman, Rapid City, South… More

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A Rug for Marks                                       

A Rug for Marks, 38" x 24", #3- to 6-cut hand-dyed and as-is wool on… More

(1 Votes)

Homage to Humboldt                                             

Homage to Humboldt by Marilyn J. Motsch featured in Celebration 2016 More

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Zeus and Aimie Memory Rug                                                           

Zeus and Aimie Memory Rug by Patricia Cassidy featured in Celebration 2017 More

(1 Votes)

Outside the Box                                       

Outside the Box, adapted with permission from a quilt pattern by Jessica… More

(1 Votes)

New Zealand 2019                                         

New Zealand 2019, 19" x 38", #3- to #7-cut hand-dyed and as-is wool, with… More

(1 Votes)

Seelie Queen                                 

Seelie Queen, 18 " x 23 ", #3- and 4-cut hand-dyed wool on linen, with… More

(1 Votes)

Lockdown Pomegranates and Figs                                                                     

Lockdown Pomegranates and Figs, Designed and hooked by Barbara Prentice,… More

(1 Votes)

The Origin of Inspiration                                                           

The Origin of Inspiration, Adapted with permission from artwork by Carrie… More

(1 Votes)

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