
Gypsy Mice

Reflected light and mysterious shadows

By: Sibyl Osicka

Gypsy Mice, 36” x 30”, #3-cut wool on rug warp. Designed by artist David Galchutt and hooked by Sibyl Osicka, Parma, Ohio, 2017

Reflections and shadows are important in works of art, whether you are talking about watercolor, oil painting, or rughooking. But how do you make reflections with wool? This piece is an excellent study of reflections and shadows. The mice are in the woods talking over a treasure map by a bonfire. The flames from the fire will change the coloration of many motifs.  We know the true colors of mice are brown to gray. The mice that are near the fire are lit by the flames—their faces become white to light beige, especially on the bottom of their chins.  The bottoms of their hands are much lighter than the top sides. 


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