
The New Brunswick Mat Registry: A Permanent Virtual Tour

Unraveling history inch by inch, story by story


On the Cover: At the New Brunswick Museum, Saint John, NBMR committee members hold up the glass case containing Inch Mat/Boston Sidewalk, 
a traditional geometric mat hooked in 1915 by Mrs. O. B. (Liza) Davis, of Grand Falls. It was donated to the museum in 2017 by Jean 
McCormack and used in NBMR advertising. L to R: Judy Morison, NBMR Co-chair (Eng.); Doris Norman, Hooking Specialist; Peter 
Laroque, NBM Curator of Fine Art; Marielle Poirier, NBMR Co-chair (Fr.); Dr. Cynthia Wallace-Casey, Educational 
Consultant and Treasurer; Susan Vida Judah, Hon. Co-chair. M. P. Eaton

When Judy Hickman Morison, of Dorchester, joined a rug hooking group in 2005, having returned to New Brunswick after retiring from a nursing career in Ontario, little did she dream she was about to embark upon a project that would last more than fifteen years in a quest to document the province’s traditional hooked mats, and in the process create a virtual museum-quality exhibition.


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