Stylized Artistic Punching                                                             

As an Oxford Company Punch Needle Rug Hooking Instructor, I wanted to make… More

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No Two Alike/Margo Winters                                                             

My cousin, Cheryl Singley, has been hooking rugs for as long as I can… More

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Paint Your Wool with Ink                                                         

Many years ago, I bought a quilt pattern called The Storybook Girls from… More

(1 Votes)

The Historic Rugs of Timberline Lodge                                                                                   

Timberline was constructed between 1936 and 1938, under Franklin… More

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Abstract Rug Hooking                                                 

How does abstract work with rug hooking? Can you use a modern style with… More

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On Becoming a Hooker                                                 

I know I am not alone. Legions of Baby Boomers like me are retiring in… More

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