Hook It and Hang It and They Will Come                                                                                     

After 12 months of planning, we were thrilled with our three-month exhibit… More

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Paint Your Wool with Ink                                                         

Many years ago, I bought a quilt pattern called The Storybook Girls from… More

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From My Dye Pot: Create Iridescence in Hooked Rugs

mqwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwer More

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Flowers in a Strip--Revisited                                                                   

Too often, when I suggest to fellow hookers that they play with dyes and… More

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Designer Showcase: The Heart of San Miguel de…

mqwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwer More

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Artful Color: Fostering the Artist                                                                             

mqwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwer More

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Becoming Your Own Teacher, Part Two                                                                               

This article defines compositional techniques found in many works of art.… More

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Dream, Design, Dye and Do                                                           

Over her 54 years of hooking, Lois has never backed away from any… More

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Artful Color: January Journal                                                                   

mqwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwer More

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Good Reads                             

This book covers practical repairs of the everyday rugs we keep and enjoy.… More

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The Value of Value                                             

The simplest way to explain the use of value is that value puts the polish… More

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On Becoming a Hooker                                                 

I know I am not alone. Legions of Baby Boomers like me are retiring in… More

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A Firm Foundation                                           

While we agree that people tend to have their favorite backings, there are… More

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Appliqué Flower Basket                                                       

Appliqu Flower Basket was designed with beginning rug hookers in mind. New… More

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How to Critique Your Rug                                                         

Self-evaluation is a difficult task in life no matter what we need to… More

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