Dimensions: 72" x 44"
Materials: #3- and 4-cut wool on burlap
Designed by Jane McGown Flynn and hooked by Susan Grant, Georgetown, Ontario, Canada, 2013. Photo by Fishback Photography.
Featured in: Celebration XXIV
"I became immersed in hooking Buckingham during the winter of 2013 while waiting for a hip replacement operation. Dyeing the wool and hooking the flowers was totally absorbing. The rug had been started by Dianne May who had taken a course with Helen Connelly. When Dianne died, I bought the rug at an estate sale. I kept three flowers of Dianne’s and found a picture of Helen’s rug in A Rug Hooker’s Garden which helped me to colour plan it. Analyzing the picture and how she used colour was like taking a course with Helen herself."
- Susan Grant, Celebration Hall of Fame 2018
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