ATHA Raffle Rug

This rug by nine hooking instructors will be raffled off by ATHA as a fundraiser to earn money for rug hooking education. 2011 ATHA Biennial rug, 40" x 40", hooked by members of ATHA, 2011.
To raise funds for its new educational plan, the Association of Traditional Hooking Artists (ATHA) will raffle a rug hooked by nine ATHA instructors. Frank Bielec, Pris Buttler, Barbara Carroll, Gail Dufresne, Cindi Gay, Carrie Martin, Cynthia Norwood, Jule Marie Smith, and Sharon Townsend each donated their time and materials to create one 12 by 12 inch square of a nine-block rug.
The instructors were asked to hook whatever they wanted—no limits were specified, and no direction was given. The rug was exchanged at various camps or shipped to the next person on the list. All was done in secret.
This article is from the January/February 2012 issue. For more information on our issues, check out our issues page.
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