September/October 2012

Both entertainment and education are the highglights of this issue of Rug Hooking magazine. With a Halloween mummy design and a humorous account of becoming addicted to knitting and rug hooking, you will be inspired to laugh and race to your rug hooking spot. With interesting information on working with yarn—especially for those with wool allergies—these articles make sure that you are up to date on the best ideas in rug hooking. You can also learn about the beneficial aspects of this hobby: how it can be therapeutic and how its parallel techniques are used by the Self-Employed Women’s Association to empower women—from opposite sides of the globe.
Table of Contents
Reproducing an Antique Rug
by Pam Upton
Primitive Angels for Your Antique Baskets
by Jane Fournie
Ann Winterling and the Art of Rug Hooking
by Paulette Hackman
Ari Hooking
by Maddy Fraioli
The Healing Side of Hooking
by Jo Franco
Exclusive Pattern: Bird in Paradise
by Angela M. Jones/Breezy Ridge Rugs
Dear Beginning Rug Hooker: Hooked Plushie Mummy
by Kim Dubay
Camps & Workshops: Hooked in the Mountains XVI
by AM Littenberg
Colors to Dye For: Roseville and Ratios
by Wanda Kerr
Reader's Gallery: Diane Phillips: Developing a Recongizable Style
by AM Littenberg
Canadian Connection: The Art of Collaborative Rug Hooking
by Pat Carrery, Andrea Hammel, and Barbara Lukas
Ask the Experts: Once a Hooker, Always a Hooker
by Marie Sugar
Beyond Our Borders: Knit 1, Purl 1, Hook 1
by Diane Krys
First Rug: Spirit Trout/Dawn Liu-Smyth
by Melinda Russell
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