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From Our Readers

This gallery features contributions from our readers near and far.

Lure of England                                       

Lure of England, 48" x 28, #6-cut hand-dyed, overdyed, textured, and as-is… More

(1 Votes)

The Catastrophe                                       

The Catastrophe, 3-D teapot shape designed by Holly Kingdon, artwork… More

(1 Votes)

Bride and Groom Dolls                                                   

These are three dimentional bride and groom dolls with flat bottoms so… More

(1 Votes)

Jason's Workboots                                           

Jason's Workboots, Designed and hooked by Linda Bell, Hiawassee, Georgia,… More

(1 Votes)

Arabic Patchwork                                         

Arabic Patchwork, Designed by Jeanne Benjamin and hooked by Louise… More

(1 Votes)


Spiraling, Designed and hooked by Terri Todd, Forest, Virginia, 2021. More

(1 Votes)

Relax Footstool                                       

Along with the kitchen, our den is where we usually relax. I wanted a… More

(1 Votes)

Morris Anemone Tile                                               

Morris Anemone Tile, 23" x 31 1/2", #3-cut hand-dyed wool on linen.… More

(1 Votes)

Share Your Photos - January/February 2017                                                                                           

The crisp sparkle, the hopeful feeling, and the unique shape of each flake… More

(3 Votes)

City High-Rise                                     

City High-Rise, 35" x 46", #4-cut wool on linen. Designed and hooked by… More

(1 Votes)

Autumn Geometric                                         

Autumn Geometric, designed and hooked by Betty Calvert, St. Catharines,… More

(1 Votes)

Luster Teacup Surprise                                                     

Lustre Teacup Surprise, 33" x 47", #3- and 4-cut wool on linen. Designed… More

(1 Votes)

Tiger Close Up                                     

Tiger Close Up, adapted with permission from a photo by Lunasa Photography… More

(1 Votes)

SPCA Dollies                                 

I designed the "SPCA Dolly" pattern as a way to grow my contribution to… More

(1 Votes)

Hansel and Gretel Cottage                                                           

Hansel and Gretel Cottage, Designed by Kay Nielsen and hooked by Kyoko… More

(1 Votes)

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