Paintbrush Skies & Hummingbirds

Floravians, 23" x 31", #3-cut wool on linen. Adapted with permission from the artwork of Martin Johnson Heade and hooked by Roland Nunn, Orinda, California, 2013.
To hook this rug, I used nine swatches from four different dye formulas; five are transitional swatches. When hooked together, the colors provided a wide variety of chromas and hues, producing natural looking petals.
Transitional swatches always blend harmoniously with their base swatch and add subtle variations to the overall look. These swatches are prepared in the same way as a regular swatch, but two different dye formulas are added to each jar.
This article is from the November/December 2014 issue. For more information on our issues, check out our issues page.