Jen Lavoie
The journey of an artist

This Train, 80" x 47", hand-dyed wool on linen. Designed and hooked by Jen Lavoie, Huntington, Vermont, 2012.
Hooking artist Jen Lavoie has reaped many wonderful rewards for her art rugs—original pictorials showcasing tour-de-force technique and gorgeous high-key, hand-dyed color applied to stunning compositions, which range from landscape to narrative to portraiture. To the experienced viewer, Jen’s rugs are easy to spot and in a class by themselves. Usually ambitious in size and subject, realistic to the smallest detail, dramatic in the play of light and shadow, her hooked art—wool paintings—elicit ohs and ahs and wows and "How does she do that?"
This article is from the November/December 2013 issue. For more information on our issues, check out our issues page.