Perfectly Paisley
Special Effects in Punch Needle Rug Hooking
Two-Color Beading Stitch
LEFT: Perfectly Paisley, 15¾" x 15¾", 3-ply wool rug yarn and worsted weight knitting yarns on monk’s cloth. Punched with a #10 regular Oxford Punch Needle (except for the inside of the paisleys which were punched with a #14 fine “Mini” Oxford Punch Needle). Designed by Cotey Gallagher for The Oxford Company. Color plan and execution by Amy Oxford, Cornwall, Vermont, 2020. David Stankoski
RIGHT: Perfectly Paisley, 15¾" x 15¾", 3-ply hand-dyed wool rug yarn on monk’s cloth. Designed by Cotey Gallagher for The Oxford Company. Punched with a #10 regular Oxford Punch Needle. Color plan and execution by Louise Kulp, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 2020. David Stankoski