Remembering ... Celebration X

The year is 2000, and the introduction observes: "This year's Celebration is even more true to its name because of the number of rugs within it that deal with celebrations. In these pages you'll see rugs and wallhangings that celebrate holidays, births, weddings, races, and even a guest for dinner. Here, too, are rugs that commemorate and celebrate the lives of beloved people and pets. Just as wool and memories have been incorporated into these rugs, rug hooking has become incorporated into the lives of the fiber artists introduced to you in this book." And here they are!
Hestel Broome - Gibson Girl
Cherylyn Brubaker - Guest of Honor
Pris Buttler - The Whole Week's Picking
Barbara G. Crawford - Alaska
Doris Eaton - Cactus Zinnias
Margaret Ewing - The Tiger
Liz Alpert Fay - Chelsea's Rug
Susan Feller - Blowinig Peonies
Judy Fresk - Kayla's World
Fumiyo Hachisuka - Market at Mahone Bay
Susan Higgins - Orchids
Lynne Howard - Gabbeh
Anne Howell - Looking Out to Sea
Victoria Hart Ingalls - Young Girl with Kitten
Betty Kerr - Celtic Runner
Rebecca Clark Knudsen - Sacred Ground
Carol Koerner - The Red Nose Brigade
Sybil Mercer - Garden of Seasons
Kim Nixon - Vines
Sibyl Osicka - Carousel House
Jennifer Parslow - Stars and Strife Forever
Patti Patrick - Solstice Dancers
Rosalie Powell - Fruit Circle
Sarah L. Province - John J. Province, Jr.
Susan Quicksall - Courting
Patricia Ringston - Holy Holy Wedlock
Phyllis I. Robinson - Halloween Wedding Rug
Lana Roske - Nature's Christmas
Alic E. Rudell - February Celebration
Eric Sandberg - Le Chateau
Carol Ann Schere - rLyongrun Window
Rosemary Strube - Working Cotton
Carol Sweeton - Canadian Azeri
Abby Vakay - A Day at the Races
Judy Vantine - Les Amis dans le Jardin
Pamela M. Wiegand - Faith Sampler
They celebrated others—now it's our pleasure to once again celebrate them and their work!
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