Remembering ... Celebration XII

From the 2002 Introduction:
"If you're new to the fiber art of rug hooking, please don't be intimidated by the masterful, grandiose images you're about to see. You might be wondering how on Earth we take all the fabulous rugs out there and condense them down to 36 wonderful selections. Let me tell you right now—it isn't easy."
Let's celebration the artists of 2002!
Sandra L. Brown - Mandarin Goby Tea Cozy
Danielle D. Cevallos - Crewel Allure
Bonnie M. Charter - Rapture
Barbara Crawford - Song of Persia
Gail Dufresne - Lizards and Ladders
Doris Eaton - The Keddy Place
Elizabeth Elliott - Glories of Teton Valley
Judy Fresk - East Rock
Toni Gallagher - The Watcher
Sharon Garland - Collinot
Cindi Gay - Standoff: Samson v. Kitty Mom
Beverly A. Goodrich - Kate and Leopold
Suzanne Hamer - Interlude
Margaret Hannum - Silver Compote
Carol Anne Haws - Sun and Moon Faces
Toshie Hayami - Matsuura Screen
Irene Holman - Whaling
Faith Jenkins - Bedrug Fantasy
Sally Kallin - The Mighty Oak
Brother Llewellyn Paul Kauba - Blue India
Signe E. Larson - Medi-Qashqui
Michelle Lechleiter - Fantasy Floral
Katurah Lewis - Nomad Runner
Cheryle Meese - Queen Mary
Michele Petra Micarelli - Cotton's House
Kris Noble - Trials and Tessellations
Cynthia Norwood - Bowl of Flowers
Susan Quicksall - Rabbit Hill
Natalie Rowe - Turkish Fishies
Janet Santaniello - Old Stony with Geraniums
Marilyn Schmidt - American Country
John Shaw - Burntwater
Gene Shepherd - Fog
Louise Stancliffe - Hind Sight II
Abby Vakay - Thanksgiving at Dawn
Jan Winter - Eastham Moors