Remembering ... Celebration XVI

The "Brief History" of rug hooking (about 3 paragraphs ;-) that appeared in this issue noted that when and where the art began remains debatable. What is known is that, by the 1940s, it had become a well-established hobby in the United States and Canada and that it has "evolved into a popular means of personal expression as well as a practical pastime." And even better: "Hand-hooked rugs can be found on the walls of art galleries from New York City and Washington, D.C., to Tokyo and London, as well as in museums, office buildings, libraries, and cultural centers across North America." How did this happen? Well, because of the amazing work done by contemporary rug hookers! Like these:
Susan Adams - Antique Stoneware, Crocks and Jugs
Joan Bolivar - Town Clock—Halifax, Nova Scotia
Bonny Brown - The Caregiver
Scott Burns - Christmas Eve
Judy Carter - Peacock
Cecille Caswell - Romance Series, Part 3
Molly Colegrove - Boathouses
Judy Colley - The Good Shepherd
Margaret Collyer - Berkley Squares
Gina Conway - Old World Hen
Jean Cooper - Willowbank
Barbara Crawford - Mimbres
Lyle Drier - Ense's Bedrug
Susan Elcox - Idaho State Capitol at Dusk
Linda Fernandes - Salem Lion
Carla Fortney - Blythe Shoals
Heather Fox - Vancouver Island Marmots
Barbara Gott - Sunflowers
Mary Granger - Bela Bartok, Bad, Bad Bassett
Fumiyo Hachisuka - Covered Bridge in West Montrose
Eleanor Hamel - Ivy Tiger
Suzanne Sears Hamer - Molly in the Garden
Peggy Hannum - Entice
Mary Lou Hemmerly - Shanghai Parasol Painter
Catherine Henning - Towers & Turrets, Queen's University
Tracy Holmes - Second Time Around
Donna Hrkman - Women of the Congo
Trish Johnson - Tea and Oranges
Valerie Johnston - Temptation
Joan F. Kays - Anne with Wash
Carol Koerner - My Mémère—A Strong Woman
Sharon Kollman - Song of Persia
Joyce Krueger - Leaf Puzzle
Barbara Lekstrom - The Apple Girl
Elizabeth LoPrinzi - Sir Landseer
Cindy MacMillan - Pat's Sunflowers
Eileen Mahler - Ketchikan Dream
Elizabeth Marino - Deere & Co., 200 Years of Progress
Pamela Merrill - Orchid's Delight
Wendy Miller - Ohio Coverlet
Tricia T. Miller - Morris Forest
Kris Miller - Mermaid
Connie Wyllie Naftel - Angel's Trumpet
Astrid Nilssen - Norway Meditation
Kris Noble - Crewel Diversion
Peggy Northrup - Hot Chili
Roland C. Nunn - Who Are You?
Sibyl Osicka - African Delight
Marilyn Petreman - Looking for Love
Laura Pierce - Blue Heron
Suzi Prather - Wanna Play?
Patricia Pobst - Paisley Inspiration
Sarah Province - Rosalie's Carousel Ride
Joan Rigby - Margaret
Lucille Sanders - Alphapets
Catherine Smith - Where the Wild Things Are
Theresa Smith - Summer
Linda Sprenger - Kaleidoscope
Nancy Taylor - Blue Rocks
A. Maren Wands - Winter Shadows
Patricia White - Aunt Minnie Feeding the Hens