Time to Celebrate! RHM's 30th Anniversary - Joys of Hooking

Joys of Hooking, 20" x 15", #4- and 5-cut wool on linen. Designed and hooked by Liz Marino, South Egremont, Massachusetts, 2019.
I was asked to create a rug pattern celebrating Rug Hooking magazine and rug hooking. What a wonderful assignment. This of course brought me to think about all that rug hooking has done for me personally... I must say it has really changed my life and brought me immeasurable gifts.
I started hooking in the late 1990s with my best friend and studied with a teacher, Ronnie Roisman. Ronnie suggested I subscribe to Rug Hooking magazine and gave me a list of teachers to study with. And so the education of Lizzie began!
Joys of Hooking was designed to celebrate gifts I have received. I designed a word rug, using up scrap wool for the lettering. I wanted the palette to be colorful and joyous, and I endeavored to move the color around the rug so it was pleasing to the eye.
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