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Get inspired with this selection of rug hooking tutorials, coloring techniques and more.

Simple Inspiration, Shaded Challenges                                                                                   

Two insignificant little white vases sitting on my dining room windowsill… More

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Doors and Windows, Open and Closed                                                                             

As a door closes, a window opens. We all have heard this expression.… More

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3 Hookers Go 3D                                       

Just as painters sometimes sculpt, so rug hookers occasionally imagine… More

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Animal Personalities                                                 

Artist Vicki Sawyer paints animals. Her renditions are so full of… More

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Jewel Tulip                               

This colorful jewel is a Joan Moshimer pattern. What a great project to… More

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To hook this rug, I used nine swatches from four different dye formulas… More

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Celebrating My Two Loves                                                         

Some years ago, a friend asked if I would do a piece of her children. I… More

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Doodles and Designs                                               

The Black Oak Lake Hooker cut their teeth years ago without a lot of… More

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Hooking the Human Form                                                     

Rug hooking can be strictly practical, marrying the need for floor, wall,… More

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Colors to Dye For                                           

My book is ready for you now. Its all about color, how to understand it… More

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The Anatomy of a Turnover                                                           

In this article, when I say turnover, I dont mean an apple turnover or a… More

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Painted Landscapes                                             

I have often painted wool for skies for both my own projects and my… More

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Tangled Threads Hooked Together                                                                       

Why do we hook rugs? Historical traditions, social interactions,… More

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The Value of a Pencil Crayon Drawing                                                                                 

Tackling a complicated, detailed rug-hooking pattern can be daunting. Even… More

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Lobster Buoys                                   

Most designers are influenced by the environment around them. I live in… More

(1 Votes)

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