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Get inspired with this selection of rug hooking tutorials, coloring techniques and more.

Emma Webber: Rug Artist and Colorist                                                                                 

If you had to pick one phrase to describe Emma Weber, "lifelong rug… More

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Carnival Ladies, Mermaids, and Fairies                                                                                     

It all started with a call for submissions for an exhibition in Halifax,… More

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Ladies’ Nite Challenge                                                         

With a title like this, you know the rugs are going to be great. Those of… More

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Remembering ... Celebration XX!                                                                       

It's the 20th Anniverary edition! Celebration of Hand-Hooking Rugs XX… More

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Good Luck Charm                                       

In June 2016, my husband and I boarded an Icelandair jet and flew over the… More

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Create Stunning Silhouettes                                                               

mqwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty qwer More

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Ardemia Negro                                   

As a young girl growing up in pre-war Italy, my mother, Ardemia Negro, was… More

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Workshop Rx                               

I confess to being a true workshop-aholic. Nothing beats soaking in the… More

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Woodland Winter Night                                                   

I love to step out into the hushed quiet of a winter night after a fresh… More

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Taking Aim at the Games                                                       

The Pan American/Parapan American Games encourage young athletes to… More

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Remembering ... Celebration XVIII                                                                           

Each rug has a story. Every story has a depth of meaning. More

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Portraits are one of my specialties. I hook realistic portraits because… More

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Shelburne Traveling Show                                                         

Settlers loyal to the British Crown in 1783 helped to plan and build the… More

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A Super-Sized Faith                                               

This is an article about Faith. Faith is a 50" x 55" giraffe hooked in #9… More

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Artful Color: Color Planning with Themes                                                                                         

Does color planning your projects make you feel like tearing your hair… More

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