Wool Collection Giveaway                                                         

Happy Birthday to RHM! This issue we have two gifts, guaranteed to end our… More

(12 Votes)

Rug Hooking: A Common Thread                                                                 

Its a parts day in the workshop. Darry Nicholson measures out pieces of… More

(1 Votes)

A Pathway to the Stars Through Science and Art                                                                                                     

A dear friend once told me that I was a knitter of ideas and people. I… More

(1 Votes)

Rug Hooking Tradition or Traditional Rug Hooking?                                                                                                           

Traditional. The word brings up all kinds of connotations. There are… More

(1 Votes)

Back to Our Roots                                           

The 9th TIGHR Triennial, the culmination of the work of the UK Board, took… More

(1 Votes)

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