Home in Springtime
Dimensions: 23" x 16"
Materials: #3-cut wool on linen
Designed and hooked by Sarah Lee Province, Silver Spring, Maryland, 1998.
Featured in: Celebration IX
"The unique characteristics of our house, built in 1935, with its combination of stone and brick exterior and Vermont slate roof, drew me to attempt to design and hook it. We live in 'Woodside Park,' a neighborhood developed in the 1920s to '30s, a short distance from the District of Columbia boundary. It was advertised as “cool, country living” in its day and, in fact, was part of a farm originally.
Choosing the time of year was not difficult since all the yards are filled with azaleas in the springtime. I planned that I would hook the difficult part first--the house--and save the azaleas--the best part--to last. Actually, the house was not difficult, but when I got to the azaleas, I almost gave up. In fact, I put the hooking away for a while. I realized that each blossom had to be hooked individually with green leaves in between. Otherwise they looked like balloons of color! I ended up practicing this process on a smaller piece and then could go back to it and complete the hooking of our home of 50 years."
- Sarah Lee Province, Celebration Hall of Fame 2018
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