Color Planning a Geometric Rug
Prepare an authentic finish based on Navajo rug techniques

Teec, 24 1/2" x 34", #3-cut wool on monk's cloth. Designed by Jane McGown Flynn; hooked by Jeanne A, Sullivan, Annapolis, Maryland, 2009.
One of the requirements for McGown Teacher Certification is to color plan and complete an assigned rug and then give a presentation at Teachers’ Workshop. For my show-and-tell project, I was assigned Teec, a geometric design by Jane McGown Flynn that was based on woven Navajo rugs from the Teec Nos Pos region.
Developing a Color Plan
I started my project by making photocopies of the Teec pattern as it appears in the catalog and trying different color combinations with Prismacolor pencils. Soon, I began to see the symmetry within the intricate system of outlined images, which at first went unnoticed given the complexity of the central medallion. Over the course of several weeks, I completed many different color plans, but I still was not entirely satisfied.
This article is from the March/April/May 2012 issue. For more information on our issues, check out our issues page.