Doors and Windows, Open and Closed

As a door closes, a window opens.” We all have heard this expression. There’s a beautiful scene in “The Sound of Music” when a distraught Maria has just returned to her abbey after falling in love with the father of the children to whom she was a governess. Trying to make sense of her situation, she cries to her mother superior, “When God closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.” It’s a variation of a famous proverb that goes: “When God closes a door, He opens another.” It refers to the natural ebb and flow of life that when one thing ends, another begins.
How can those words be illustrated in wool? Take a look at some hooked pieces inspired by that phrase. The parameters for this curated show were minimal: simply the phrase, and a minimum and maximum size.
The fiber artists interpreted this either literally or symbolically—I hope you enjoy these clever reflections.