Remembering ... Celebration XIII

So the first 12 years were great, but now, in 2003, Celebration is even better! "Welcome to the future," the introduction begins. What future? More pages (a total of 80)—more rugs, more styles, and insights into the judges' selections! Here's to the artists of Celebration XIII!
Martha W. Adams - Bradley Primitive
Ronnie Arena - I Am a Bird
Karen Balon - The Girls
Meriam Blair - Alliance
Kay Bowman - Anne of Green Gables
Bea Brock - Birds & Berries
Darlene Bryan - Be There in a Minute
Ginny Byrne - Carnation, Lily,Lily, Rose
Judy Carter - Chimera
Jon Ciemiewicz - Charging Elephant
Molly Colegrove - Master, I Am Free
Linda Rae Coughlin - Fly Oh Fly
Sally G. D'Albora - New Life
Judith Dallegret - Global Warming Grenfell
Gail Dufresne - Log Cabin Spin
Anne Eastwood - Mammoth Flowers
Lynne Fowler - Floyd
Judy Fresk - Matthew and Andrew at Moose Pond
Debbi Gable - Andrew Loves Milk
Cindi Gay - Village of Pemberville
Edith Gerver - Kermit Caravan
Fumiyo Hachisuka - Antique Store in Plymouth
Margaret (Peggy) Hannum - Unicorn in Captivity
Bernice Howell - Best Friends
Cindy Irwin - Masterful Morris
Judith Ivry - Family
Carrie Bell Jacobus - Wanderlust
Trish Johnson - Machias Seal Island (renamed My Grandmother's Diary)
Barbara Jongbloed - Double Scalloped Feathers
Keith Kemmer - Trout
Betty Kerr - Lilies Closeup
Carol Koerner - Still Life #3 with Tea Pot
Joanne Kuntz - Global Warming Grenfell
Karen Maddox - Chinese Scroll
Ramona Maddox - My Secret Garden
Pat Merikallio - The Sea Otters
Roland C. Nunn - Hummingbirds
Jennifer Parslow - Peter Oliver
Lamonta Pierson - Ballerina
Sarah L. Province - All These Things …
Basha Quilici - Bijou
Anne Reeves - Joys of Spring
Denise Reithofer - Paper Dolls
Lorraine Retfalvi - Global Warming Grenfell
Lana Roske - Haitian Farmers
Maureen Rowe - Global Warming Grenfell
Carol Ann Scherer - November
Gloria Schoppe - Shanghai
Joan H. Strausbaugh - Whirlpool
Alma G. Synakowski - Our Fiftieth
Mary M. Thomson - The Coastal Detectives
Nancy Tilchin - Birds of Sarouk
Jan Winter - Flamboyancy