Fly into Spring with Butterflies!
A simple design for wool applique or rug hooking

An appliqué butterfly mug rug, Fraktur Frak-off, 18" x 30", hand-dyed wool on linen. Designed and hooked by Lindsay Krauss, using the Design in a Box motifs by Ruckman Mill Farm.
Spring is a wonderful time of year, full of hope and new beginnings. In Vermont the trees come to life in a soft haze of pink as the buds begin their new cycle. Within a week or two those buds unfold into a glorious yellow-green. Crocuses and daffodils push through the warming soil adding their purples, blues, oranges, and yellows to the landscape. Color abounds and rejuvenates our imaginations. With the warming winds come the fluttering, flitting butterflies! Surely they are another sign of joy in the changing seasons.
Throughout history, butterflies have been a symbol of hope and life. Many cultures associate the butterfly with
resurrection, representing endurance and change. To some Native American tribes, the butterfly is a symbol of joy and color, and is considered a miracle of transformation. The lesson of the butterfly is one of letting go and moving into the next phase of existence.
In this season of spring, we offer the butterfly as a joyous addition to any project. Adding a butterfly to your fiber art project can represent something personal in the way of growth and change, or can just add an extra dash of color to invigorate and balance your design.
We used the butterfly on its own to make a wool appliqué coaster, shown here. Consider adding the butterfly to your favorite hooked rug pattern or punch needle project