Pattern Exclusive: Spring Mischief
Tasty tulips, anyone?

Here in Vermont the winters can be cold and long; sometimes it feels as if they will never end. So when spring arrives, it is a joyous time. The vibrancy of the springtime colors amazes and delights me year after year. I imagine that for animals the warmth of the sun, the freedom to move more freely, and the freshness of the food delights them too.
Of all the wooly creatures, goats are my favorite because of their mischievous, curious personalities. So in designing this pattern I thought of the goat who also would have suffered through a long, cold winter and its delight in eating something besides dry hay. Perhaps a bed of colorful, fresh tulips!
The goat that inspired me belonged to a local woman who raised Angora goats for many, many years. She used their hair to spin, dye, and knit beautiful hats, mittens, and socks. Her male goat, Leonardo, was an especially handsome, mischievous guy, and he was my inspiration for this design.
My color plan was inspired by the brightness of the spring colors in nature. In keeping with Leonardo’s mischievous personality, I used a few different fibers and techniques. I experimented with various artist colored pencils for a plan that pleased me. I find these a useful tool for color planning, and it helps to see how the colors play off each other. (Complete project in this issue.)
This article is from the Spring 2016 issue. To get this exclusive pattern or for more information on our issue, check out our issues page.
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