
Dimensions: 15" x 15"
Materials: #3-cut wool on rug warp
Designed by Elizabeth Black and hooked by Sandra Brown, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1997.
Featured in: Celebration IX
Sandy Brown might characterize hooking Winston as a learning experience. She wanted to master highlighting techniques while studying with Elizabeth Black and so enthusiastically accepted Elizabeth's suggestion of hooking a character dog. Elizabeth sketched the dog, dubbed Winston by her class, onto a piece of rug warp for Sandy, who says she then naively dyed "all the wrong values of wool" for the next class. "Fortunately, others who had studied with [Elizabeth] before knew enough to bring a better selection of wools and were generous in allowing me to purchase from them. The gradation swatches so subtle in their gradients that hte shading [takes] care of itself. That [did the trick, as did] a few key colors such as pale gray with lots of lilac, tawny golds, and whites of at least three values."
- Sandra Brown, Celebration Hall of Fame 2018
(Note: This rug description was taken as an excerpt from the published Celebration entry.)
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