
Dimensions: 48" x 27"
Materials: #4-cut hand-dyed wool on linen
Pattern by New Earth Designs and hooked by Jeanne Benjamin, Brookfield, Massachusetts, 2011. Photo by Jeremiah Benjamin.
Featured in: Celebration XXII
Jeanne Benjamin will teach just about any pattern, but when it comes to hooking for herself, she chooses Orientals, antique-looking primitives, or pictorials. She had printed a pattern of Anatolian for a customer but decided to hook it herself when she discovered that the pattern was not quite square on the fabric.
Jeanne prefers to hook Orientals using a traditional Oriental palette. "Since my last two Orientals had a red or blue field, I went with golds for a change," she says. "The three golds are three different formulas of mine that worked out well when I mixed them together and hooked them in small areas. One is gold, one is bronzy, and the third is a dull orange."
- Jeanne Benjamin, Celebration Hall of Fame 2018
(Note: This rug description was taken as an excerpt from the published Celebration entry.)
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