Ivy's Mona Lisa Smile

Dimensions: 35" x 28"
Materials: Wool strips and fleece on linen
Designed and hooked by Suzanne Gunn, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2013.
Featured in: Celebration XXIV
"All my hookings of my grandchildren have great sentimental value for me, but Ivy’s is special because it is one of the few hookings that I’ve done that I wouldn’t change a thing. I often at some point in a hooking think this isn’t going to work for me. I seriously consider abandoning it. It is a strange turning point in my process, but I experience it often. Then magically it seems to turn around, and it all falls into place.
From Albert Wile to Ivy, I can see that my portraits have progressed. I have learned something from each hooking. This is why after more than a decade of hooking portraits, they are still a challenge and one I love to take on."
- Suzanne Gunn, Celebration Hall of Fame 2018
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