Hall of Fame Rugs

Check out the Celebration Hall of Fame rugs!

248 Outlook Drive                                           

When Sandra Brown knew that she and her family would be moving from 248… More

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Marcy commissioned me to do a rug of her dog why I dont know because she… More

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Shortly after I started dyeing my own wool, I ended up with a large pile… More

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Mont St-Michel                                     

This rug was an honorable mention in Celebration XXV. More

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View to MacBeth Icefield                                                         

This view, from a local Kootenay hiking trail. across the valley to… More

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Upon retiring, I decided to return to hooking and to hook a deer as a gift… More

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Fraktur Blessings                                           

I grew up with my mothers rugs and she always used recycled materials. As… More

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Rick Rack                           

This rug was featured as an honorable mention in Celebration 27. More

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Basket and Apple Bucket                                                       

On a bright sunny day, I put the bucket and basket in the yard. I was… More

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Diamond is the most difficult piece I have developed to date. I enjoy… More

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Sable Island Horse No. 1                                                         

I loved this hooking and to this day regret having sold it. This was the… More

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Mallard Ducks                                   

I choose this pattern for the couples aspect and the popularity of… More

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Big Momma                           

This rug is an adaptation of a nearly 14 long runner made by my friends,… More

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The eyes. This dog was a very special pet, and you can see why when you… More

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Child of the Universe                                                   

This mat was inspired by the poem Desiderata by Max Ehrmann You are a… More

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