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Uncle Sam                           

Uncle Sam has been a symbol of our country since the War of 1812. The most… More

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Tomorrow's Heirlooms                                                 

The 4th Annual Heirlooms Rug Hooking School, directed by Fred and Nancy… More

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The Rapid Resizer                                           

Even rug hookers who enjoy the planning phase of a new rug can find the… More

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Slow Cooker Dyeing                                             

The ultimate color dyeing question is "What can you dye in a crockpot?"… More

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Shelburne Traveling Show                                                         

Settlers loyal to the British Crown in 1783 helped to plan and build the… More

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Santa Fe Crossing                                           

Choosing colors for a rug is a personal choice. There is no right or… More

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Portrait in Sepia                                           

Hooking a portrait can be a daunting prospect. I've found that following a… More

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Nancy Raybould                                     

Point to any time in history, and there's always someone who had to be the… More

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January/February 2010                                                   

Expert rug hookers share their wisdom and experience through invaluable… More

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Fit for a President                                               

A quick search on the topic of U.S.presidents and hooked rugs reveals that… More

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Celtic Knots                                 

The aspect of hooking with yarn that I like best is the ability to create… More

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Becoming Your Own Teacher, Part Two                                                                               

This article defines compositional techniques found in many works of art.… More

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Backgrounds: A Difficult Design Challenge                                                                                           

Backgrounds are often the most difficult design challenge that rug hookers… More

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