Honest Eds

Dimensions: 25 1/4" x 34"
Materials: #3- to #5-cut wool with some strands of woolen yarn on linen
Designed and hooked by Trish Johnson, Toronto, Ontario, 2017.
Featured in: Celebration 28
"Honest Eds was one of my favorite places in the city of Toronto. You could count on always getting a bargain. It was retail therapy before the term was coined. As a student, most of my wardrobe came from Honest Eds. I particularly remember buying a boy’s pale blue T-shirt for myself for 25 cents. My first set of dishes came from Honest Eds. They were white with an elegant gold edge. The price was four place settings for $4.99. When I was a student at Art College, I bought SX-70 film and Kodachrome there. I also went there for necessities like toothpaste.
I was hoping to have this rug ready to go to the Ontario Hooking Craft Guild's annual last year in Cobourg, but I would have had to rush. I asked myself, "What is the priority here--that my rug goes to the annual or that I feel that I've done the best that I could?" I spent about a month tweaking it after I had finished hooking it, and I think that was a good idea."
- Trish Johnson, Celebration Hall of Fame 2018
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